Dama organiser /


  • Dama kitchen racks system | Description

    Dama è una cremagliera portautensili da cucina, progettata per organizzare gli spazi e completare la cucina con dei ripiani a giorno disponibile in varie dimensioni ma realizzabile anche su misura. La cremagliera Dama è composta da montanti e traversi orizzontali di alluminio, dotati di un  sistema ad incastro brevettato,  che consente di agganciare gli accessori e cambiarne la disposizione in modo facile e veloce. Dama può essere personalizzata con un'ampia gamma di accessori da cucina quali mensole, portacalici, contenitori in plastica colorata e molto altro.

  • Technical specs

    Dama organizer is a kitchen tools holder system available in various standard sizes but can also be made to measure to be adapted to the space requirements of the kitchen. The modular structure allows you to create contiguous modules with a central upright.
    Dama is fixed directly to the kitchen wall or back panel using screws and plugs.
    The kitchen accessories attach directly to the crosspiece, while for colored plastic containers it is necessary to purchase the adapter.


Dama organiser designed to organize spaces and complete the kitchen with open shelves it is available in various sizes but can also be tailor-made.
The Dama racks system is made up of horizontal aluminum uprights and crosspieces, equipped with a patented interlocking system, which allows you to attach accessories and change their arrangement quickly and easily. Dama can be customized with a wide range of kitchen accessories such as shelves, glass holders, colored plastic containers and much more.