Plastic jars container /


  • Pratika jars holder

    Portabarattoli in plastica agganciabile allabarra sottopensile Pratika o, mediante un adattatore, alle strutture Giostra, Dama, Dama L, Triga e Triga Slim. Il portabarattoli può anche essere poggiato direttamente sulla tavola.

  • Technical specs

    The Pratika jars holder in colored plastic measures: L 27 x H 7,5 x D 14,7cm. The adapter is used to attach the accessory to other structures other than its bar (Pratika), such as: Dama, Dama-L, Giostra, triga and Triga Slim.

For Giostra, Dama, Dama-L, Triga and Triga Slim you need to select the "adapter" option

Plastic jars container part of Pratika collection, but thanks to an adaptor it is also compatible with Giostra, Dama, Dama-L, Triga, Triga Slim collections.