Hang Lux kitchen organiser with LED /
Undercabinet kitchen system with LED Hang Lux | Description
Hang premiato con Good Design Awards 2020 Archiproducts Design Awards 2020 e New York Product Design Award 2021.
Il sistema di accessori Hang LUX è sospeso tra il pensile della cucina e il top, ma a differenza del sottopensile Hang, ciascuna barra orizzontale è dotata di luce LED a bassa tensione per illuminare il piano di lavoro. Hang Lux si sostituisce così al classico LED sottopensile della cucina. La luce LED si accende mediante interruttore touch presente sul montante d è dimmerabile. -
Technical specs
The structure of the Hang Lux kitchen racks system is made up of aluminum uprights and crosspieces, onto which the accessories are attached and can be positioned as desired. Bear in mind that the lower hooks are not compatible with this structure because in the lower part of the crosspiece the slot is occupied by the LED.
For safety reasons, the side uprights must be fixed to the base of the wall unit in correspondence with the sides, therefore it is necessary that the module chosen matches the width of the wall unit.
The structure is equipped with a cable with transformer and plug to be attached to the light socket.
Hang kitchen orhaniser is 42 cm high and 5 cm deep (without the shelf), D 14 cm (with the shelf).
Shelf Hang /
Hang metal shelf
Questa mensola in alluminio è compatibile solo con il sottopensile Hang ed Hang Lux perché dotata di una base ad incastro specifica per tali strutture.
Si consiglia di posizionarla nelle due traverse inferiori altrimenti diventa inutilizzabile. -
Technical specs
Available in three lengths: 55/85/115 cm. The shelf is 2,4 cm high and 14 cm deep and must be mounted attached to the kitchen backsplash.
Hang hooks /
Hang and Hang Top kitchen hooks
Set di tre ganci universali compatibili con il sistema sottopensile da cucina Hang, ed Hang Top.
Technical specs
Hang and Hang Top hooks measure: L 1 cm, H 3 cm, P 3 cm.
Hang Kitchen Roll Holder /
Hang kitchen roll holder
Questo portarotolo in alluminio è compatibile solo con la struttura sottopensile Hang e Hang Lux perché va agganciato alle barre orizzontali della struttura. L'accessorio può essere agganciato in qualsiasi posizione e può essere spostato secondo le proprie esigenze.
Technical specs
The roll holder compatible with the Hang and Hang Top undercabinet system measures: L 28.5 cm x H 10.5 cm x D 8.3 cm
Knife block /
Portacoltelli in legno Hang | Descrizione
Il ceppo portacoltelli è compatibile solo con la struttura sottopensile Hang ed Hang Top. Il ceppo è costituito da una parte in alluminio per essere agganciato alla struttura e una parte in legno finitura faggio.
Technical specs
Knife block compatible with the Hang and Hang Top undercabinet structure. Composed of a metal attachment available in black or titanium and a part in beech wood. Measurements: L 25 cm, H 20.4 cm, W 5,3 cm.
Choppig board /
Hang chopping board
Questo tagliere è compatibile solo con la struttura sottopensile Hang ed Hang Lux ed Hang Top. Il tagliere è in legno con aggancio in alluminio. Finitura faggio.
Technical specs
The Hang kitchen chopping board measures: L 30 cm, H 20.4 cm, D 4.8 cm. The finish refers to the metal attachment that allows you to place the chopping board on the Hang or Hang Top structure.
Lower Hang hooks /
Hang collection kitchen hooks
Set di 3 ganci in metallo da posizionare nella parte inferiore del traverso. Compatibile con il sistema sottopensile Hang ed Hang Top ma non con le versioni illuminate.
Technical specs
Set of kitchen hooks compatible with Hang and Hang Top, but not with the LED versions because they must be hooked to the lower part of the crosspiece where the LED is normally also positioned. Each hook measures: L 1 x W 3,2 x H 1,2 cm
Hang Lux awarded by Good Design Awards 2020, Archiproducts Design Awards 2020 and New York Product Design Award 2021.
Hang LUX is a suspended kitchen racks system fastened to the cabinet base. Unlike Hang system, each crossbeam is equipped with LED lighting to enlight the worktop. On the upright there is a touch switcher to turn on/off and control light intensity. The structure has a cable with a transformer and a plug.
To keep the structure safe it is necessary that Hang system is wide as much as the cabinet base.
Each module consists of three crossbeams where you can hook the accessories.
The system measures H 42 cm x D 14 cm (shelf included).